Why Vitamin D is Considered a Hormone

November 14, 2018 0 Comments

Vitamin D HormoneHave you been feeling or had issues with:

  • Tiredness
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle aches
  • Impaired wound healing

If you answered yes to any of the listed conditions it may be time to check your Vitamin D levels with a trusted healthcare professional.

For most kids, part of growing up was hearing your parents say, “You need to go outside and soak up some Vitamin D!”

Because of the antidote, most of us have a deeply seeded correlation between Vitamin D and the sun. In fact, Vitamin D absorption does, in large part, come from sunlight but can also be absorbed from eating a healthy balanced diet.

What most people don’t know, is that Vitamin D is actually a prohormone. Prohormones are substances that the body is able to convert into a hormone. Once Vitamin D is ingested or absorbed, it is then converted into a hormone (calcitriol) in the liver and kidneys, to help absorb calcium and distribute it throughout the body. Vitamin D is essential for bone growth and stability, especially for growing children and older generations.

What happens when Vitamin D levels are too low?

Severely low Vitamin D levels may be an indication that your body is unable to maintain an adequate concentration of calcium. This can cause osteomalacia in adults. A lack of vitamin D has been linked to:

  • Inability to fight infections effectively
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Development of long-term illness like multiple sclerosis, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

What happens to Vitamin D levels during Menopause?

There are many clinical trials happening now that are investigating the connections between severe menopause symptoms and Vitamin D deficiency issues. In one study completed by Kaiser Permanente, they stated: “Both Vitamin D deficiency and the menopausal transition are associated with mood disturbances and musculoskeletal aches. Because estrogen increases the activity of the enzyme responsible for activating Vitamin D, the fall in estrogen that occurs during the menopausal transition could uncover previously subclinical Vitamin D deficiency.”

Hormone Replacement Therapy can help alleviate moderate to severe symptoms of menopause. The stabilization of hormones can help eliminate mood swings and hot flashes. Additionally, these hormones enable the body to continue to process calcium effectively and promote overall vaginal health. For women experiencing these symptoms, HRT may offer relief.

Don’t live your life in a haze, correct your Hormone Imbalance to feel healthier today!

At Denver Vein Center, we work with our patients one-on-one to create a hormone replacement plan that works for you and your body’s individual needs. Call us today at (303) 777-8346 to find out more information about Hormone Replacement Therapy or schedule your appointment today!