Varicose Vein Treatments in Denver
At Denver Vein Center we want you to look and feel your best, that’s why we offer varicose vein treatments in Denver.
Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins close to the surface or the skin. They usually will develop in the legs and above the ankles. Over 40 million Americans are affected by varicose veins. 50% of women and 40% of men are affected by some type of vein abnormality in the United States.
Symptoms of varicose veins often include:
- Itching
- Burning
- Aches
- Muscle Fatigue
- Cramping
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Leg Heaviness
Not getting treatment for varicose veins can lead to bigger problems in the future including; blood clots and spontaneous bleeding from the vein.
Varicose veins are caused by blood flowing the wrong way in the artery which causes pooling of the blood in the vein. This pooling leads to damages and bulging in the vein, in severe cases, this can cause ulcers on the leg or ankle.
What to Expect at Your Initial Varicose Vein Consultation:
- An evaluation and ultrasound with Dr. Norton – Schedule Your Appointment Here
- Diagnosis and Treatment plan
- Explanation of the procedures recommended
- Insurance explanation – Most insurance companies have a policy for the treatment of varicose veins and require pre-authorization
Varicose Vein Treatments
There are a number of treatments for varicose veins but before determining which treatment is best, we have to determine the cause of the varicose vein.
At Denver Vein Center we will perform a painless non-invasive ultrasound test, this will allow the physician to watch the direction the blood is flowing to determine if there are any damaged valves. This ultrasound will help us decide the best way to treat the varicose veins.
Each varicose vein treatment has a different method and provides different benefits to patients, below is the list of the treatments currently offered at Denver Vein Center, along with a brief description of the procedure and the benefits it offers.
Endovenous Laser Ablation of the Saphenous Vein (ELAS)
ELAS is a clinically proven, FDA approved technique that permanently eliminates varicose veins. This procedure is performed under local anesthetic and causes no damage to the surrounding tissue.
Using an ultrasound for guidance, a very small puncture is made and a thin laser is inserted into the damaged vein. The laser then creates heat that causes the vein to collapse, and the laser is removed. The abnormal vein is then closed off so that the blood flow will redirect through the healthy veins in the leg.
Benefits of ELAS
No Surgery
- Remove Unsightly Veins
- Relief of Symptoms
- Treatment Addresses the Underlying Problem
- Minimally Invasive
- Performed Under Local Anesthetic
- Office Procedure
- Fast Recovery
- Prevents Progression of the Disease
- No Scarring
VenaSeal Closure System
The VenaSeal Closure System is the only FDA approved procedure that uses an injection of medical adhesive to close varicose veins. The treatment is designed to close the vein and reroute blood to nearby healthy veins, providing the patient symptom relief. Because this adhesive works immediately to close the vein, you do not need to wear compression stockings after the procedure, unlike thermal energy procedures.
Benefits of VenaSeal:
- Simple outpatient procedure
- Fast recovery time – you can return to normal activities the same day
- You don’t need to wear compression stockings after the procedure
- Symptoms should improve as soon as the diseased vein is closed
** Not all insurances cover the VenaSeal procedure. While you may be a good candidate, it could be considered an out-of-pocket cost.
How does Venaseal work?
Varithena is a gentle microfoam treatment delivered in as few as 1-2 needle sticks. For most people, Varithena improves both physical symptoms related to varicose veins, and their appearance.
Benefits of Varithena:
- Simple, minimally invasive outpatient procedure
- Symptoms should improve as soo as the diseased vein is closed.
- Is effective to treat veins of different sizes up and down the leg
- Quick procedure, less than an hour
How does Varithena work?
- Dr. Norton administers a small amount of Varithena via needle to the diseased vein.
- The microfoam fills and treats the desired section of the vein.
- The diseased vein collapses and the foam is diluted in the bloodstream and flushed out.
** Not all insurances cover the Varithena procedure. While you may be a good candidate, it could be considered an out-of-pocket cost.
Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Ambulatory Phlebectomy is a method of removing very twisted varicose veins on the surface of the legs. The procedure involves making tiny punctures through which the veins are removed. This procedure is performed under local anesthetic and the incisions are so small no stitches are required. We often combine this procedure with ELAS.
Benefits of Ambulatory Phlebectomy
- Remove Unsightly Veins
- Relief of Symptoms
- Performed Under Local Anesthetic
- Excellent Long-Term Results
- No Scarring
Ultrasound Guided Medical Sclerotherapy
This treatment is a non-surgical procedure where we inject a solution into the problem veins. The solution is often placed precisely at the root of the problem vein.
Benefits of Ultrasound Guided Medical Sclerotherapy
- Remove Unsightly Veins
- No Downtime
- Treatment Directed Specifically at the Problem
- Painless
- No Scarring
After any of these vein treatments, compression stockings are worn. Our physician will advise you on how long to wear these stockings.
Schedule a Consultation at Denver Vein Center Today!
For more information on treatments offered at Denver Vein Center, give us a call at (303) 777-8346 or complete our online request today! We are happy to help you with any questions and walk you through our services.