It’s swimsuit season! Time to throw on the suit and enjoy all of your favorite water sport activities! But wait! This year is the year that you were dreading. The year that the same ugly ropy veins that crisscrossed their way across your mother’s bare legs popped up on your own. You may be asking yourself- “How did these varicose veins in your legs get there?”
Most likely, you are a victim of a heredity condition. If one of your parent’s had them, your risk of getting them yourself increases by 40%. If both parents had them. Your risk increases to 90%.
But varicose veins aren’t just in the genes, the risk of getting varicose veins in your legs also increases with age, during pregnancy, if you are obese, sitting or standing for long periods, or if you are a woman.
The How and the Why Are Tied Together
Weak or damaged valves usually cause varicose veins in the legs. These veins carry blood back to the heart. Inside, the veins are valves. These valves keep the blood moving in one direction, back towards the heart. As well as that the valves in the legs work against gravity. If they are weak and can’t keep the blood moving in the right direction, it has to go somewhere, so it ends up pooling up and causing swollen, twisted veins.
That’s why the risk factors are as follows:
- Age: Your veins and valves weaken as you age.
- Pregnancy: There’s more pressure on the veins from blood volume and weight gain during pregnancy.
- Obesity or standing for long periods: There’s more pressure on the veins in your legs if you are overweight or stand for long periods.
As for why women get varicose veins more often than men, it’s all about hormones. Hormones relax muscles, muscles are part of what controls the movement of blood in your legs. Relaxed muscles equal slow blood flow and pooling.
Varicose Veins Are Not Just a Cosmetic Issue
If a varicose vein pops up on your leg it is considered to be a superficial varicose vein. Varicose veins can seem like a cosmetic issue but left untreated, they can cause complications. If the deeper veins become varicose. Your legs have a deep interior venous network. These veins are not visible, but if they become varicose, they can cause itching, swelling, and even be the site of blood clot formation. Blood clots are dangerous.
Signs you may have a blood clot include:
- Swelling in the area where the clot forms, or even your entire leg.
- Your leg may take on a red or blue tinge, or get warm or itchy.
- As the clot worsens, you may feel sore, a dull ache, or even intense pain.
- You could have trouble breathing, have a bad cough, or cough up blood. If this happens, it could mean that the clot has moved from your leg to your lungs. You may feel pain in your chest or feel dizzy. If this happens, call 911 to get medical help right away.
- A cramp or charley horse in the lower leg may indicate the presence of a blood clot.
Don’t worry. It’s not likely that your varicose veins pose health issues. Nevertheless, they are still unsightly and sometimes painful. Your mother or grandmother may have had to put up with the little blue and purple creepers, but you don’t. Whether it’s a superficial or deeper problem, treatment for the varicose veins in your legs is available. Modern technology has made vein removal simple, safe, and affordable.
At Denver Vein Center, Vein Removal Is Our Specialty
Before we jump to the many treatment options, it’s is essential that we take the time to determine the cause of the varicose veins. Following that, we can decide which treatment is most appropriate for your specific situation.
What to Expect at Your Initial Varicose Vein Consultation:
- You will be given a painless non-invasive ultrasound test, which will allow the physician to see which direction the blood is flowing and determine if there are any damaged valves.
- Then we move on to a diagnosis and treatment plan.
- Your physician will then explain the procedures recommended.
- Our team will also go over insurance with you as most insurance companies have a policy for the treatment of varicose veins and require pre-authorization.
Each varicose vein treatment has a different method and provides various benefits to patients. Below is the list of the treatments currently offered at Denver Vein Center, along with a brief description of the procedure and its benefits.
Endovenous Laser Ablation of the Saphenous Vein (ELAS)
ELAS is a clinically proven, FDA approved technique that permanently eliminates varicose veins. This procedure is performed under local anesthetic and causes no damage to the surrounding tissue.
Guided by an ultrasound, the provider inserts a thin laser into the vein through a small hole. The heat from the laser causes the vein to collapse. Which closes off the abnormal vein so that the blood flow will redirect through the healthy veins in the leg.
Benefits of ELAS
- Remove Unsightly Veins
- Relief of Symptoms
- Treatment Addresses the Underlying Problem
- Minimally Invasive
- Performed Under Local Anesthetic
- Office Procedure
- Fast Recovery
- Prevents Progression of the Disease
- No Scarring
Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Ambulatory Phlebectomy is a method of removing very twisted varicose veins on the surface of the legs. Veins are removed through tiny punctures made in the veins. This procedure is performed under local anesthetic, and the incisions are so small no stitches are required. We often combine this procedure with ELAS.
Benefits of Ambulatory Phlebectomy
- Remove Unsightly Veins
- Relief of Symptoms
- Performed Under Local Anesthetic
- Excellent Long-Term Results
- No Scarring
Ultrasound-Guided Medical Sclerotherapy
This treatment is a non-surgical procedure where a solution is injected into the problem veins. The solution causes the veins to shrink.
Benefits of Ultrasound-Guided Medical Sclerotherapy
- Remove Unsightly Veins
- No Downtime
- Treatment Directed Specifically at the Problem
- Painless
- No Scarring
Ready to get your legs bikini-friendly again? Contact us today for a consultation!