Spider Veins on the Face: They Are Not Uncommon and They Are Treatable

Spider Veins on the Face: They Are Not Uncommon and They Are Treatable
May 12, 2020 0 Comments

“Spider veins on my face? Seriously? I knew you could get them on your legs, but spider veins on the face? That’s a thing?” Yes. Spider veins on the face happen. You are not imagining them. And if they’ve suddenly appeared with no warning, it can be a little bit scary. Not to mention embarrassing. But you aren’t alone. You just happen to be one of the 20-25 million Americans who suffer from one of the most common chronic conditions in America.

But before you go out and buy a Halloween mask or some heavy make-up to hide this imperfection, there is something you need to know. You don’t have to live with these unsightly little webs of broken veins running through your skin. Sometimes they go away on their own, but even if they don’t, they can be easily eliminated with non-invasive, nearly painless treatment.

Where did Those Spider Veins on My Face Come From?

It doesn’t take much more than a glance to realize that spider veins are broken blood vessels near the surface of your skin. The good news is that, most often, spider veins on the face are more inconvenient than harmful.

Spider veins don’t discriminate by age, gender, or race. They can show up on anyone at any age, but some people are more likely to develop spider veins on their faces than others. The risk of them appearing depends on their cause. For instance, spider veins tend to be handed down genetically in families, so if your other or grandfather had them, you would likely get them at some point in your life too. Physical conditions or environmental conditions can also cause spider veins on the face.

Physical Conditions That Can Lead to Spider Vein on the Face

That is a number of factors that can cause spider veins, these include:

  • Pregnancy: not only does the increase in estrogen during pregnancy often lead to broken blood vessels, the pressure that builds up in a woman’s face while she is pushing the baby out can lead to broken vessels. Most often, these will heal on their own.
  • Rosacea: it is not uncommon for someone with Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea to have broken blood vessels.
  • Injuries on your face: bruising may include broken blood vessels. These often heal on their own.
  • Vomiting or sneezing: the sudden, extreme pressure brought on by vomiting or sneezing can break the blood vessels in the skin. These will also usually heal on their own over time.

Environmental Conditions That Can Lead to Spider Veins on the Face

Some environmental conditions can lead to spider veins on the face. these include:

  • Sun exposure. Excessive sun exposure damages skin cells, which can lead to vein damage.
  • Shifts in temperature. Hot weather can increase blood vessel dilation, which can show up as spider veins.
  • Environmental or chemical irritants. These can cause temporary or permanent damage.
  • Alcohol consumption. Moderate or occasional alcohol consumption can enlarge blood vessels and cause your skin to flush. Binge drinking and heavy consumption can eventually cause spider veins. These are often permanent.

Is There Something I Can Do to Prevent Them?

Yes. Preventative measures can be effective.

Once spider veins pop up on your face, you certainly don’t want them to spread! And if you have spent the money on treatment, you don’t want to have to go back unless you need to.

If you know that Rosacea is the cause of the breakage and your doctor already has you on a course of treatment, follow that plan.

If you aren’t affected by Rosacea, here are three quick tips:

  • Limit sun exposure, especially during peak hours between the late morning and early afternoon. Wear sunscreen or other protective gear.
  • Avoid any extreme heat. Whether it’s from the weather, a sauna, or a spa, extreme heat is not your friend if you are prone to spider veins on the face.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.

What Do I Do If I Have Them?

Identifying broken blood vessels on your face isn’t difficult. The question is, once you have identified them- then what do you do? As you have seen, depending on the underlying cause, some spider veins will disappear on their own while others are permanent.

If you’ve given your skin time to heal, but the spider veins persist, it’s time to visit a healthcare provider. They can look at the spider veins and determine the underlying cause. If the broken vessels are related to an underlying medical condition, then your healthcare provider can treat you for the underlying condition, which may also relieve the spider veins. If the spider veins are purely cosmetic, your provider can assist you in finding the right treatment, which could include prescription medications or outpatient laser therapy.

Zap Them Away: Spider Vein Treatment

For the past 20 years, laser therapy has been the preferred means of removing spider veins on the face. As the veins absorb the laser’s wavelengths of light, the light destroys the blood vessels, and the skin’s natural appearance is restored. Smaller spider veins on the face typically require a single laser treatment that lasts about 10-15 minutes. Laser treatment can be performed in-office. The procedure is quick, relatively painless, and the results are immediate.

Side effects are minimal and can include temporary discoloration of the skin, crusting, blistering, redness, or occasional bruising.

At Denver Vein, We Do It All Under One Roof!

After many years of treating patients for venous disease in a hospital setting, Dr. Norton concluded that the efficacy of treating patients in the office for the venous disease was more effective and showed higher patient satisfaction. To provide this service, she opened Denver Vein Center in 2004. At Denver Vein Center, Dr. Norton specializes in treating varicose and spider veins of the legs, body, hands, and face using clinically proven safe and effective techniques. Because she is a Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation as well as a Registered Vascular Technologist, she can perform ultrasounds, diagnose conditions, and treat these conditions all in the comfort of her office.

If you’re ready to get rid of those spider veins and celebrate your beautiful skin, we’re ready to help! Contact us for an appointment today.