Spider Veins FAQ’s: What You Need to Know

Spider Veins FAQs
December 22, 2020 0 Comments

Spider veins, aka telangiectasias. You know you’ve got them when you see little purple or red spider webs spread out across your skin. It can be a shock the first time you see a cluster of them but don’t worry. These little veins may be unsightly, but they usually don’t cause any harm. And they can be removed if you don’t want them hanging around on your skin. Want to know more about spider veins and spider vein removal? We’re here to answer your spider veins FAQs.

Why Are They Called Spider Veins?

Spider veins received their name because they often form in small irregular clusters that have the appearance of a network of spider webs.

Where Do You Find Spider Veins?

These abnormal veins are the size of a thread (about 1mm in diameter). They can form anywhere on the body, but you usually find them on the legs, ankles, and feet. Spider veins often form as clusters in particular “problem areas” on the legs.

Are Spider Veins Always the Same Color?

Because veins contain deoxygenated blood, spider veins are usually dark red, purple, or blue in color.

Does a Circulatory Problem cause spider Veins?

Spider veins develop when blood pools up in the veins because it isn’t flowing in the right direction, so you might think that a circulatory problem causes spider veins. This may be true in some cases, but more often, these tiny vein abnormalities are treated like a skin condition rather than a circulatory problem.

Should You Worry About Spider Veins?

Spider vein breakouts can range from being mild and subtle to extensive and visible. Typically they are not a health risk, and their presence does not indicate a circulation problem or a more significant medical condition. However, in extreme cases, they can signal an underlying problem, so they should be examined by a doctor to ensure that they are nothing more than a skin condition.

Why Do I Have Spider Veins?

Unfortunately, researchers still don’t have a definitive answer for that. We know that spider veins are passed down through genes from one generation to another. Women tend to develop them more frequently than men. We also know that if you are genetically prone to spider veins, you will eventually get them no matter how healthy you are.

Research has also shown that certain types of situations can accelerate their quantity and severity. If you have an occupation that requires prolonged standing without movement, you are more likely to get spider veins. Aging is also a consideration as veins tend to get weaker as you age- and you’ve spent more years standing on your feet. Being overweight or being pregnant also tends to accelerate and worsen spider veins.

There is also the possibility that you have an underlying venous disease referred to as venous insufficiency or venous reflux that is causing spider veins. A doctor can work with you to determine if this is the case and put you on a course of treatment for the underlying cause, but the spider veins won’t go away.

Are Spider Veins Painful?

On average, only 20% of the people who have spider veins report any pain or symptoms associated with them. In those cases, people have reported aching, burning, itching, leg heaviness, or restless leg syndrome. These symptoms often correlate to hormonal cycles as women often report symptoms around the time of their menstrual cycle.

If you have any pain, swelling, or other leg symptoms associated with your spider veins, you should get tested for underlying venous diseases.

Can I Cure Myself of Spider Veins?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for spider veins. However, you can minimize the development of new spider veins on your legs by wearing compression stockings, elevating your legs, exercising, and keeping your weight in a range appropriate for your build. Vein removal treatments are available if you find the veins’ appearance displeasing or if they are bothering you.

What Spider Vein Removal Treatments Are Available?

Luckily there are now various spider vein removal treatment options. Our two favorites are laser therapy and sclerotherapy.

Laser Therapy

Our favorite laser therapy method uses the CoolGlide laser system. This non-invasive technology uses long-wavelength light energy to eliminate small spider veins. CoolGlide emits light energy pulses that cause the blood in the vein to coagulate, which destroys the vein. The body absorbs the vein, and the blood redirects through other healthy veins. Laser therapy can remove spider veins from the face without leaving bruises. It is the perfect option for you if you don’t like injections and are looking for a virtually painless, in-office treatment.


This quick, painless treatment eliminates spider veins without scarring. During a sclerotherapy session, a solution is injected into the abnormal vein, which causes the vein to close off the blood flow. Once the blood flow is closed off, the vein collapses and is absorbed by the body. Sclerotherapy is a virtually painless, in-office treatment that won’t interfere with your normal activities.

How Long Does a Vein Treatment Session Take?

Spider vein removal only takes about 30 minutes. Both legs can be treated during a single session. If other locations like the face, ankles, or feet need attention, you will require an additional 30 minutes.

If I Have Spider Veins Removed, Are They Gone Forever?

Not necessarily. Since spider veins are genetic, they will continue to develop over time. People who get spider vein treatments usually get treatments every few years to maintain clear, smooth skin.

What Should I Expect When I Come in to Have my Veins Removed?

At Denver Vein Center, we want to make sure that we give you the best treatment possible, so we require an initial consultation before starting treatment. At the initial consultation, we perform a pre-treatment assessment to determine the best treatment plan. If we are concerned about any underlying conditions that cannot be treated in-office, we will refer you to a specialist, but if everything checks out, we will then set you up with your next appointment and get you started on your treatment plan!

Do you have a question about spider veins or spider vein removal that we haven’t answered? No problem. Reach out to us, and one of our experts at Denver Vein Treatment Center will get you the answers you are looking for!