We know how frustrating it is to deal with visible, blue facial veins. They can be a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness. If you’re Googling “vein specialist near me,” don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this article, we’ll look at:
- Possible causes of visible facial veins
- How to get rid of these veins with sclerotherapy
- Essential aftercare tips
What’s Causing Your Visible Facial Veins?
These blue veins often go by the name of periorbital veins – because they tend to occur around your eyes – but they can happen in other places on your face occasionally, such as the side of your forehead.
When your blood vessels dilate or enlarge, they become visible under your skin.
There are several internal or external factors that can cause your blood vessels to weaken and become more susceptible to dilating or breaking.
Here’s a look at a few causes of facial veins:
Genetics: If your parents or other close relatives have visible facial veins, you may also be more likely to develop them.
Sun exposure: Overexposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can cause damage to your skin and weaken your blood vessels.
Aging: As you age, your skin becomes thinner and less elastic, making it more prone to damage and making the veins on your face more visible. Your skin’s blood vessels can also weaken as you age. The area around your eyes is always a sensitive and thinner area of skin, so this, too, makes the area more susceptible to dilation and varicosity.
Hormones, pregnancy: Changes in your hormone levels can affect your skin’s blood vessels. This is why spider veins, especially facial veins, are more common in women than men and can sometimes be associated with pregnancy.
Pressure: Prolonged or repetitive activities that increase pressure in your head and eye area – such as chronic coughing, sneezing, or straining – may contribute to the development of periorbital varices. Vomiting or sneezing especially can cause sudden pressure changes in your body, leading to the development of visible veins on your face.
Injury to your face: Any injury to your face, such as a cut or bruise, can damage blood vessels.
Alcohol use: Drinking alcohol can cause your skin’s blood vessels to dilate, making them more visible and increasing the risk of varicose veins anywhere on your body.
Environmental or chemical irritants: Exposure to wind, dust, or pollution can irritate your skin and make veins more visible. Exposure to certain chemicals, such as those found in makeup or skincare products, can also cause skin irritation. So keep an eye on the ingredients.
Weather changes: Unusual temperatures, such as extreme heat or cold, can cause your skin’s blood vessels to expand or contract and become damaged.
Other medical conditions such as liver disease, scleroderma, and lupus. Remember that periorbital veins can sometimes indicate an underlying medical problem – for example, venous insufficiency.
However, that apart, a vein specialist has expertise in dealing with your facial varicose veins in a way that’s non-intrusive and effective, so read on!
Say Goodbye to Varicose Facial Veins: a Non-Surgical Solution That Works
If you’re bothered by the appearance of some varicose veins on your face, sclerotherapy is your answer. You can’t repair the vein, only close it.
What is sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical treatment that involves injecting a solution directly into the affected vein, causing the vein walls to collapse and stick together. Over time, the vein is reabsorbed and fades. If this sounds extreme on your face, it isn’t. It leaves no scarring.
And yes, your body can manage without any specific vein after closure: your blood automatically reroutes!
Sclerotherapy is relatively quick, done in a doctor’s office with no downtime, and is virtually painless!
Here’s a quick overview of how your sclerotherapy treatment will look
- Your vein specialist (at Denver Vein Center, that’s Dr. Norton) will examine your facial vein to make sure it’s not branching from a large vein. Veins of course drain from smaller to larger to largest and back to the heart – that’s why a deeper, larger vein has to be checked to make sure it’s safe to treat.
- They will clean and sterilize the area around your eye.
- The sclerosing fluid is inserted into the affected vein, which collapses and sticks together. You may feel a mild tingling at the injection site.
- You will receive some aftercare instructions. It’s that simple!
Your Facial Vein Treatment Aftercare
After undergoing treatment for veins on your face, you may experience temporary redness or swelling. It’s essential to take good care of the treated area to ensure proper healing and prevent complications:
- Avoid sun exposure as this can damage the treated skin area and slow down the healing process. If you do need to go outside, wear a wide-brimmed hat and apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50.
- Avoid strenuous activity for at least 24 hours after facial vein treatment.
- Keep the treated area clean and dry to prevent infection. Use a gentle cleanser, and avoid harsh soaps or exfoliants.
- Apply ice packs, wrapped in a towel or cloth, to the treated area to reduce any swelling and discomfort.
- Avoid makeup for at least 24 hours. It can irritate the skin and slow down the healing process.
- Above all, follow your doctor’s specific instructions for aftercare if you have vein treatment on your face. That’s because your doctor knows you and may recommend additional steps based on your individual needs and the treatment you received.
Your vein specialist may recommend more than one treatment, and perhaps a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress. The national average is 2-5 treatments. The image with this post shows improvement in the facial vein after just one treatment!
Denver Vein Center: Your Destination for Flawless Skin
Looking for a vein specialist in Denver? If you have questions or concerns about facial veins, contact Denver Vein Center today. Don’t let veins on your face affect your confidence and self-esteem any longer!