If you’ve been frantically searching online for “DIM supplement weight loss,” we can save you some time, because we’re going to talk about the question,...
read moreVaricose Veins Risks: How to Avoid Blood Clots
Varicose veins are a common condition we should all be aware of, as they can increase your risk of blood clots. But understanding varicose veins...
read moreYour Pregnancy Veins: FAQ
If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you’re maybe wondering about the changes your body will go through during this time. One common issue...
read moreCompression Therapy and its Benefits
Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to improve your circulation and reduce swelling in your legs? Look no further than compression therapy!...
read moreTell Me About Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Are you tired of bulging and unsightly veins? Ambulatory phlebectomy may be just what you need! This minimally invasive procedure can remove those pesky veins...
read moreLymphedema: Get the Quality Support Your Legs Need
Are you one of over a million people in the United States who suffer from lymphedema? Or do you know someone who does? If so,...
read moreOn Your Feet at Your Job? Avoid the Risk of Varicose Veins
After a long day at work, we bet one of the first things you think about is getting off your feet (we won’t mention the...
read moreHow Your Weight Affects Your Veins
Have you noticed how media outlets these days try to dictate how you should look? Telling you to be skinny? Providing you (especially at New...
read more5 Varicose Vein Myths You Should Know!
There are many varicose vein myths out in the wild of the internet, so we’re here to clear things up with hard facts! We’ll tackle...
read moreAre Visible Veins a Problem?
We’ve talked a lot in this blog recently about how visible veins can signify an underlying issue – so let’s change tack today! Sometimes, it’s...
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